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Privacy and Security Concerns for the Medical Practice

SKU 477




This course provides a comprehensive review of HIPAA policies, notices of privacy practice, restrictions of the use of PHI for marketing, sales and fundraising, and employee training on privacy obligations.


The frequency of HIPAA and HITECH compliance enforcement is increasing. Penalties, which are based on the level of negligence, can reach $1.5 million per violation. This course will review HITECH Breach Notification requirements by clarifying when breaches of unsecured health information must be reported to HHS.

Avoid a breach with training focused on new disclosure obligations, and expanded patient rights for PHI. This session provides a comprehensive review of HIPAA policies, notices of privacy practice, restrictions of the use of PHI for marketing, sales and fundraising, and employee training on current requirements.


Course Highlights:


  • Revise Business Associate agreement forms/templates to comply with the latest rules

  • Review existing agreements and contractor arrangements to determine compliance

  • Revise and modify HIPAA policies and procedures to address response to potential breaches of unsecured PHI

  • Examine changes to individually-requested privacy restrictions

  • Review expanded disclosures and their respective compliance dates

  • Implement proper steps needed for a breach notification

  • Receive an explanation of expanded enforcement and penalties

  • Guidance on proper documentation and record keeping of PHI

  • HIPAA and the electronic health record, including EHR accessibility

  • Overview of administrative and staff policies and responsibilities



177 min


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