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PMI Coding Workshop: CPT

SKU 449




Learn current guidelines to improve claim accuracy, reduce denials, audit scrutiny, and help ensure that providers receive correct reimbursement. Participants will receive up-to-date instruction on guidelines that third-party payers expect coders to follow in order to pay claims. The instructor will explain terminology such as fragmenting, bundling, and unbundling of codes. 



363 minutes



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Course Highlights

A current CPT code set manual is recommended to receive the most benefit from the instruction. Participants should have a basic understanding of CPT coding. Hands-on practice exercises will cover a variety of coding scenarios to solidify new knowledge.

  • Review instructions for use of CPT codebook, symbols, and valuable resources inside
  • Instructions on the CPT procedural coding process
  • Correct use of add-on codes
  • Expanded guidelines and coding tips
  • Review of the anatomy and function of the body systems
  • Practice correctly coding operative notes and leave feeling confident
  • How to accurately apply modifiers when they are required and understand the impact on reimbursement
  • How to report and get paid for unlisted procedures
  • Integrate 2018 CPT and HCPCS code changes (new and deleted codes), and guidelines into practice
  • Actively practice coding exercises and scenarios in each section (ex. the body systems and modifiers)
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