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Patient Collections and A/R Management

SKU 432




If your office is experiencing a decreased reimbursement cycle, it is time for an A/R management intervention!This program covers A/R as well as compliance and practice management efforts. Improve insurance data collection, eligibility verification, and patient communication and reduce payment problems that crush your bottom line.


Billing staff walk a fine line between promoting patient satisfaction and enforcing accurate, timely payment policies. Learn how to establish policies and processes that support the administration and communication of financial responsibilities.


5 Reasons to Complete this Course:


  • Adopt a process that measures and monitors collections efforts while remaining patient-centered.
  • Understand the impact of your state’s prompt-pay laws to avoid problems and improve success.
  • Implement a fail-safe process to address payment before the patient arrives, when present in the office and post visit.
  • Ensure that your collections are handled ethically, efficiently and legally.
  • Learn to detect and prevent embezzlement and fraudulent activities with end-of-month reports.


Participants learn how to establish policies and processes that support the administration and communication of financial responsibilities.




  • Review each stage of the revenue cycle and the unique staff roles and processes
  • Develop financial policies that provide clear, consistent direction for patients and staff
  • Discover how to overcome obstacles and meet your goals
  • Value of timely billing and the impact on your revenue cycle
  • Dissect each stage of the collections process
  • Overview of A/R management and collections
  • Steps for obtaining accurate patient information
  • Steps to educate patients on payment policies
  • Strategies to secure timely payment
  • Look at the true cost of statements to your operational budget
  • Receive instruction on the legal do's and don'ts of telephone collections
  • Set benchmarks and goals for collections
  • Learn how to read an aging report
  • Rules and guidelines for extending professional courtesies
  • Strategies for handling difficult collections situations


Self-paced online program includes unlimited review of previously recorded instruction for 6 months and downloadable companion materials.



163 min


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